If you use brew as package manager on macOS, it is interesting to autoupdate the software installed with this tool.
(more…)Author: Jesús Amieiro
Translation and localization resources
In this post, I collect some interesting resources to translate and localize software.
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WP-CLI intro
Slides from my talk at Coruña WordPress meetup (November 3, 2022).
Executing only some PHPUnit tests
When you are creating new tests with PHPUnit, if you execute all tests, it can take some time to execute. To execute them faster, you can filter the tests you want to execute.
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Translating WordPress faster
As Galician GTE, I translate a lot of strings from English to Galician: WordPress core, WordPress.org infrastructure, plugins, themes, … As a bilingual speaker (Galician and Spanish languages), I realized I can translate faster if I use the Spanish translations as starting point, so I develop a CLI tool to translate all WordPress stuff from Spanish to Galician, using the open-source translations created by the Spanish community (thank you, folks). A few months later, I converted this CLI tool in a website, so you can use it without any installation. And, of course, I have released it as open source (AGPL).
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How to use PHPCS and PHPCBF with a single WordPress file
PHPCS and PHPCBF are two well-know PHP scripts used in the PHP development to (PHPCS) detect violations of a defined coding standard, and (PHPCBF) to automatically correct coding standard violations.
I usually use both with composer in my WordPress projects, adding them as dependency in the composer.json file.
But sometimes I need to check some individual PHP file without adding PHPCS and PHPCBF as dependency. In this post, I am going to explain how I do this.
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Updating WordPress to the nightly version
Sometimes, it is useful to use the WordPress nightly version on your local environment, to avoid problems with your code in the near future.
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Running the GlotPress tests
GlotPress has some PHPUnit tests. In this post, I will go to explain how to run it in your local machine.
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How to sign a Git commit
I think it is a good practice to sign your Git commits. In this post, the author explains why and how to sign your Git commits. An interesting reading.