WooCommerce CLI WCEU 2024

You can find the documents related with my workshop (Efficiency Unleashed: A Guide to Automating WooCommerce through CLI) at WordCamp Europe in the next links:

Translating WordPress faster

As Galician GTE, I translate a lot of strings from English to Galician: WordPress core, WordPress.org infrastructure, plugins, themes, … As a bilingual speaker (Galician and Spanish languages), I realized I can translate faster if I use the Spanish translations as starting point, so I develop a CLI tool to translate all WordPress stuff from Spanish to Galician, using the open-source translations created by the Spanish community (thank you, folks). A few months later, I converted this CLI tool in a website, so you can use it without any installation. And, of course, I have released it as open source (AGPL).

How to use PHPCS and PHPCBF with a single WordPress file

PHPCS and PHPCBF are two well-know PHP scripts used in the PHP development to (PHPCS) detect violations of a defined coding standard, and (PHPCBF) to automatically correct coding standard violations. 

I usually use both with composer in my WordPress projects, adding them as dependency in the composer.json file.

But sometimes I need to check some individual PHP file without adding PHPCS and PHPCBF as dependency. In this post, I am going to explain how I do this.