If you can’t ping between two guest OS in VirtualBox (two Debian 9.1 in my example) try:
Tag: VirtualBox
Laravel Homestead TTFB very high
I use Laravel Homestead to develop on two machines. I use it because with this solution I have the same development environment in all my machines and in all machines of my coworkers.
Last Tuesday, with the monthly Microsoft update (I suppose), the HTTP responses starts to become very slow, with TTFB (time to the first byte) from 4 to 10 seconds.
Using Laravel Dusk with Vagrant Homestead
If you are using Laravel Homestead and you want to use Laravel Dusk to test your application, you can find some problems.
Increase an ext4 partition with Gparted
In this post, I explain how to resize and increase the size of an ext4 partition in a Linux Machine.
There was an error while executing `VBoxManage`, a CLI used by Vagrant for controlling VirtualBox
I was starting Homestead, a Vagrant Virtual Machine and I get this error
Problemas con Vagrant al actualizar Windows 7 a Windows 10
Tras actualizar un equipo de trabajo de Windows 7 a Windows 10, Vagrant dejó de funcionar con la máquina Homestead. El error era el siguiente
Virtualbox. Cannot register the hard disk because a hard disk already exists
If you are trying to create a new virtual machine from an existent virtual hard disk and you get the error: “Cannot register the hard disk because a hard disk already exists”
How To Resize a Virtual Machine’s Disk in VirtualBox
If you need to resize a Virtual Machine’s Disk in VirtualBox, you can do it with one command line.